Final Synod Document - Reflection Resources

The last stage of the three year Synod journey was the creation of a Final Synod Document called ‘For a Synodal Church, Communion, Participation and Mission'.

These recommendations from the XVI Assembly have been approved by Pope Francis and taken into church teaching, and which the Pope has asked us all to implement in our countries and contexts. You can download the Final Document of the XVI Assembly, ‘For a Synodal Church, Communion, Participation and Mission' here >>.

The Final Synod Document a rich resource, beautiful but rather technical in places. Much like we might do with scripture, its possible to reflect on individual passages of the Final Document and allowing them to inspire us. Our series of reflections are an opportunity to reflect and respond alone or in groups, and we will be updating this page as we go along.

Reflection One:

Our first reflection concentrates on the definition of synodality. This passage from the Final Document is taken from 'Part I: The Heart of Synodality' which looks at how we are called by the Holy Spirit to conversion.

“Oriented towards mission, synodality involves gathering at all levels of the Church for mutual listening, dialogue and community discernment.  It also involves reaching consensus as an expression of Christ rendering himself present... In simple and concise terms, synodality is a path of spiritual renewal and structural reform that enables the Church to be more participatory and missionary so that it can walk with every man and woman, radiating the light of Christ” §28

Questions for reflection:

  • What stands out for you from this passage?  Is there a particular word or phrase that is resonating in you?

  • What are the possibilities for linking "spiritual renewal and structural reform"?

  • What possibilities does it open up for you?


Conversation in the Spirit Resource Cards


Video resource: Reimagining Pastoral Councils Workshop